June 22: Swift Current to Chaplin (90.24 km)
Well, I've come across the trip dulldrums. I knew it would happen at some point that the trip conditions would get me down. I was surprised in fact that it didn't occur in BC when it was cold and rainy. Rather it is occurring in Saskatchewan when the sun is shining.
Don't get me wrong, the trip is going well, but the challenges of the past few days have been trying on my morale. As mentioned in my previous posting, two days ago I was basically riding while sick. Yesterday was a day off and I thought all day that I would take today off as well. After I ate supper however, I felt better and decided to try riding today. Well it didn't go so well. I feel fine except that I'm nauseas toward many foods and the food that don't make me sick don't have enough calories to sustain me during a long bike ride. So, in sum, today I was riding with very little fuel in the gas tank and it was a struggle. By the time I got to Chaplin, I knew that continuing would be unwise. So I stopped. Tony wanted to continue as the day was still young and I encouraged him to go on since I suspect I will be dragging my feet for the next few days. We said our goodbyes and he left.
Twice during this trip, Tony and I have said our goodbyes (at Castlegar and Maple Creek), but today was the first time that it felt real and final. From this day forward, I would be riding alone and it got me down a bit. In addition to this, the realization that there is a long stretch ahead of me brought me to the dulldrum state that I mentioned earlier.
I want to reemphasize that it is not a big deal and that I fully expected something like this to happen and in a way I'm glad it did, because the whole purpose of this trip was to experience such challenges and if it would have been too easy, well I would have felt somewhat robbed.
Anyways, I'm spending the rest of the day resting and trying to refill the metaphorical gas tank.
June 22: Chaplin to Moose Jaw (24.58km)
Today, I cheated.
I woke up today feeling as I have for the past few days. Not sick as such, but nauseas and not able to eat much and having diarrhea. I ate as much as I could, but I wasn't sure if it would be enough for a long bike ride. I had a two options: 1) stay in Chaplin for another day and try to wait it out or 2) try to make it to Moose Jaw which was about 80km away. Since Chaplin is very small and the little that it had to offer would not be open because it was a Sunday, my preference was to try to make it to Moose Jaw and get healthy there. I thought if the conditions were favourable, I should be able to make it.
So at 9AM I set off. The conditions were not favourable. There was a strong wind from the south – not exactly a head wind, but the angle that it hit me was not helping. In addition, the shoulder conditions were not kind to bikers. After about 15km, I was getting hungry, but could not stomach any of my food. I realized that I could probably make it to Moose Jaw, but that it would take a lot out of me and therefore delay my recovery. I was also a bit concerned about dehydration as I had had diarrhea upon waking. I could have returned to Chaplin, but it had nothing to offer that could help me. So I decided it was wisest to hitchhike.
I know, it violates the trip principles, but I still think it was the right decision and that I needed to get healthy as quickly as possible and that over-exertion was postponing my recovery. A nice farming family picked me up in their pickup truck and I could put the bike in the back. They were going to Moose Jaw to bring the kids to the fair and dropped me off at the visitors information.
I'm now in a motel off the trans Canada and feeling not too bad, but the true test will be how my body reacts to a meal. I will likely stay in Moose Jaw until I am confident that I have my strength and stamina back and that I can eat food freely.
June 23: Moose Jaw to Moose Jaw (0km)
Woke up this morning and still had diarrhea. I'm going to stay here today and maybe go to the clinic to see if they can diagnose what I have, but I suspect that it should pass soon, because aside from food aversions and diarrhea, I feel fine.
I only took one picture in the past few days. It was supposed to convey how there were hills in Saskatchewan, but in looking at the picture, I think it conveys more how flat it is:)
Monday, June 23, 2008
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Good luck with the tummy!
I'm sending Guru Ram Das to help out.
Rest and get well,
Bonjour Roland,
Crois-tu encore que c'est à cause de l'eau? L'eau en bouteille n'est pas règlementé, mais peu importe. J'espère que tu te sens mieux.
Depuis ma dernière visite, tu as certainement fait du chemin. Nous revenons de funérailles aujourd'hui, la grand-mère à Sheryl est morte vendredi. Elle avait 89 ans, et dernièrement sa santé se détériorait.
En passant, Hannah avait partagé des choses que je ne voulais qu'elle te dise. Tu l'écris dans la langue de ton choix, c'est ce qu'un choix signifie. Je te félicite pour ton voyage et j'admire ta détermination. Et, mon beau-père me dit, je suis d'accord, que tu as une belle main d'écriture.
Mes vacances ont officiellement commencé depuis 15 minutes, alors j'aurai plus d'occasion à te lire.
Thanks Sara, I'll take all the help I can get:)
Salut Rodrigue,
Je dois admettre que j'etais un peu fache lorsque j'ai lu le post a Hannah, mais j'ai compris par la suite que tes commentaires etaient probablemeent plus vise vers faire une lecon de l'importance du francais pour Hannah, qu'un "slander" envers moi. Alors, desole si j'ai ete rude dans ma reponse.
Merci pour tes commentaires positif. C'est vraiment apprecie.
Jouis de tes vacances,
Hey bud,
Sorry to hear you're not feeling well.
I'd offer some health advice, but let's be honest, it'd lack a certain credibility. :)
In so far as 'motivational / inspirational' stuff,... that's not really my forté either to be honest. "At least you're not at work", or "Being sick in Moosejaw probably still beats working non-stop over time on that release a few months ago." Neither really seem to quite hit the mark. :P
I for one envy your courage / dedication. You're travelling across one of the largest countries in the world, on your own power. It's a once in a lifetime adventure, and you're smack dab in the middle of it. So you've got a couple of days of forced R&R, take it easy, and enjoy. Drink some OJ, get lots of rest, and hit the road when you're feeling up to it. I'm looking forward to the next update, and I hope you're feeling back up to spec soon. Keep the rubber side down, and safe riding bud.
Gooday Ian,
Thanks for the words of encouragement and thanks for reminding me of the census. I had successfully blocked that out:)
I went to the walk-in clinic this morning and I was recommended an over the counter medication and the doctor is passing a number of tests on me to make sure it's nothing serious. I feel ok, but weak. So I'll be staying for at least another day to rebuild my strength.
Not having too much strength has meant that I've been watching some TV. Sweet Jesus, I gotta get better so I no longer have to do this brain numbing activity.
Hi Roland,
Sounds like things are rough in Sask. Like you said, you knew this would happen at some point during the trip. Likely it didnt happen with all the difficulty in BC because your mind was too busy just trying to get through that. Now your mind is free to say "where the hell have you taken me?!" Anyway, if you stay in Moosejaw for awhile you can always go check out the Al Capone tunnels.
Courage, mon ami courage!
Bonjour Roland,
L'autostop était bon car ça a rendu ton voyage plus agréable. Et c'est bien ça ... un voyage agréable qui t'amuse ... plutôt que une autre competition. Modern worklife is a rat race, why should vacations be like that? Listen to your body, be gentle to your body, in a yoga-sort of way, instead of pushing yourself in a thought-driven competitive way. Klaus
Bonjour Roland,
J'espère que tu te porteras mieux bientôt! Je me sens un peu coupable, il fallait pas pousser la machine aussi fort juste pour me faire plaisir. Même à 60 et 29 km/jour tu vas finir par arrivée à St-John...peut-être pas cette année mais l'important c'est d'arrivée!!! En plus si tu ne l'écris pas sur ton blog personne ne saura que tu as fait du co-voiturage! Fais attention à toi, je te souhaite plein de soleil et de bon vent au cours des prochains jours! Ginette
Hi Roland,
Hope you're feeling well soon. Give yourself the time you need - there's no rush!
I've enjoyed re-living the experience through reading your blog. Your pix make me long for those days of endless highway and strong westerlies. I remember growing to love the prairies, especially the sky-scapes. Beware the far-away storm...it'll be upon you before you know it!
Ride safe,
Peter vW (statscan)
Thanks everyone. I'm feeling a bit better, but things are still not completely right. Not sure what it could be, but I'm trying to be patient with it.
Peter and Darcy, now that I'm off the bike and not struggling, I can appreciate the skies much more than before. A few days ago, even the sunny skies were aggravating. It looks much nicer now:) A couple of sunsets especially were really beautiful.
Ginette, bien que j'aime toujours te faire sentir coupable, tu n'as pas cause de t'en soucier. Je suis presque certain que la cause de mon malaise n'est pas du a mes efforts, mais plutot a l'eau ou la nourriture que j'ai mange. De plus, je me suis pousse pour deux raisons: 1) j'aurais voulu continuer a roule avec Tony et 2) je ne voulais pas "abandonner" trop rapidement. Un de mes defis sur ce voyage etait de voir comment je reagirais dans les instants difficiles comme ceux de la derniere semaine. Dans cette situation, je suis content de la facon que j'ai reagi. J'ai essaye de me surpasser, mais lorsque j'ai vu que ce n'etait pas sage, j'ai arrete. Bref, l'experience - desagreable comme elle l'est - n'est pas completement negatif.
I'm probably going to stay in Moose Jaw tomorrow, but I hope to leave the next day. I'm getting a bit bored here:)
Hi Roland -
Enjoying your blog!
Heather and Doug
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